Boy's Khaya Promo 2021

Client: Tavaziva



Wind & Foster brought together the production and technical team for Boy’s Khaya to weave together the lighting, sound, technology, costume ideas and company dancers into one promotional teaser and behind the scenes film.

The choreography challenged the design elements, and working with all the visual effects and graphics gave us a real understanding of the potential of combining dance and motion capture technology with real-time graphics. We designed a four hour publicity shoot where the dancers got to play with the choreographer’s material in front of cameras, resulting in a brand-new teaser for Boy’s Khaya.

Boys Khaya by Jevan Chowdhury_174.jpg
Boys Khaya by Jevan Chowdhury_174-2.jpg
Boys Khaya by Jevan Chowdhury_179.jpg

ICE Talks#───#Institution of Civil Engineers


Royal Academy of Dance#───#CODA